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How do schools reach out to students in the Internet age?

How do schools reach out to students in the Internet age? Of course online courses are de rigueur today; universities, high schools, and even lower grades utilized video, live broadcasts, and other communication methods to reach students all over the world. But there’s something missing.

Are schools taking full advantage of what modern technology has to offer? Are students at home able to participate in class? Can they do online tests? What about that most basic right of kids in the classroom – passing notes and whispering in class? How about the tools teachers need to manage a class? Scheduling? Providing access to recorded classes? Office hours? Tutoring?

While many of the LMS’s available today have a lot of positive features, they're missing something – the something that can make an online experience as close as possible to being in the classroom. Being a student is about much more than listening to a lecture – and being a teacher is a lot more than looking at a camera. What both teachers and students need is a way to bring the classroom to the home – and to bring the distance student to the classroom.

That's exactly what we specialize in here at CirQlive. Our flagship product - MEETS (Media-Enhanced Education and Training Suite) - is a service that bridges between the most popular Learning Management Systems and web conferencing tools, allowing teachers to do what they do best: teach. MEETS is currently being used by millions of teachers and students at all educational levels around the world every day.

Thus our blog. We're in the business of making it easier for teachers to reach students, and for students to be reached by teachers – and we plan to highlight tips and tricks on exactly how that can happen, like giving faculty the ability to create and manage collaborative workspaces, with each other and with students all from the familiar platform of an LMS. While that kind of thing usually requires a great deal of tech expertise – entailing sometimes endless calls to IT staff and often ending up in frustration – CirQlive makes that easy for teachers and administrators alike, thanks to our MEETS system. These are some of the issues we will be talking about in this blog.

Technology offers a vast set of tools that teachers and students can take advantage of – why not use them in the classroom? For many teachers, the idea of online collaboration and conferencing is intimidating; CirQlive makes the connection, collaboration, and management process in LMS almost transparent. With CirQlive doing the heavy lifting, teachers have the opportunity to take advantage of tech to its fullest extent. Stay tuned for some great ideas on how to do that - on this blog and on our social media posts!


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