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Customer Testimonials
Levinsky College of Education

"CirQlive provides excellent support for its Webex integration with Moodle. Their service is both professional and personal."

Blackboard Learn Administrator

As a Blackboard Learn™ school, our institution was looking for a comparable replacement to Collaborate’s virtual classroom environment. Accessing the CirQlive interface is as simple as selecting the corresponding menu item in a Blackboard course. Scheduling an event has never been simpler. As a participant, joining a session is easy. As an admin, setting up the LTI™ tool and making it available in Blackboard is painless. Finally, in terms of technical support CirQLive is extremely responsive and accommodating. They have successfully resolved some connection issues that we have had with the Blackboard Mobile application sessions, as well as add functionality to aspects of the integration for us on an individual need.


webYeshiva Logo

"CirQlive enabled us to take our brick and mortar school worldwide, recruit and serve more students, hire the best teachers and enhance education."


Online Education Design Specialist

As for customer service from CirQlive, I am a very happy customer. Your response time is always great, the communication is always personable yet professional, and the technical expertise that your team brings is excellent. I really appreciate how quickly you moved on the issue we identified early on; it really helped me get things smoothed out on our end.

President, Global Learning Organization

CirQlive helped me identify and integrate the right web conferencing solution and learning management system. They listened to what I needed, patiently guided me through the process, and implemented the system quickly and professionally. They are great partners.


Case Studies
Edinburgh Napier University

Learn how Edinburgh Napier University streamlines long-distance learning with a joint collaboration solution by Cisco® and CirQlive.




Find out how CirQlive technology allows students from around the world to participate in interactive online learning in this Partner Case Study by Cisco®.



Trusted by Leading Organizations
University of West Scotland Logo.png
Meital Logo.png
Napier University Logo.png
Georgia State University Logo.png
Northwestern Michigan College Logo.png
TikTak Logo.png
Salt Lake Community College Logo.png
Duquesne University Logo.png
Shipley Associates Logo.png
Lincoln Life Institute Logo.png
University of La Verne Logo.png
Sapir College Logo
California Community Colleges Logo.png
Levinsky College of Education Logo.png
Holmesglen Institute Logo.png
Victoria University Logo.png
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Republica EDU Logo
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