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CirQlive MEETS May 2022 Release

Improvement to appointment booking:

Students and course administrators now have a search feature for appointments. Filtering can optionally be done by date range, time of day, day of week, and specific teachers.

Improvements to course events and recordings- Sharing sessions and recordings:

Teachers and course administrators can now share course events from one course into other courses.

  • Allowing for upcoming sessions to be offered in multiple courses simultaneously.

  • Past sessions can be shared, which will offer access to its recordings. This can be used to bring recordings from previous semesters to the current semester.

Improvements to attendance:

Teachers and course administrators now have access to MEETS’ conferencing service access log and recording access log. In other words, all course staff can now view internal attendance records. Previously, aggregate data built from this information could only be accessed via usage statistics in MEETS Administration.

  • Staff can now see when users tried joining sessions via MEETS.

    • Internal attendance can be more accurate than conferencing service attendance, as it will identify each user correctly, whereas some conferencing systems allow users to use a different name than their official one.

    • Attendance now also includes information regarding recording viewership. Staff can determine what recordings were accessed, by whom, and when.

  • Improving access and playback troubleshooting, as staff can now get information regarding how the user tried joining/viewing, and which browser software they were using.

  • All course viewership data can be exported to CSV, which can be used by popular spreadsheet software:

    • Some compatible applications:

· Apache OpenOffice Calc

· Calligra Sheets, formerly KSpread. Use Data -> Encoding: Unicode (UTF-16), Format -> Delimiter: Tabulator, Format -> Textquota: ".

· Gnumeric

· LibreOffice Calc

· Microsoft Excel

Improvement to usage statistics:

The “at a glance” statistic in MEETS Administration now includes general information regarding appointment booking usage.

Improvement to guest invites:

Some clients reported that guest invites and links that they tried emailing either directly or indirectly were being blocked by some poor spam filters. These filters incorrectly concluded that the guest page in MEETS being linked to was offering software downloads, instead of just being a normal webpage. The format of these links have been slightly restructured so that these poor spam filters do not block these links due to this issue. Note: This improvement will not fix other kinds of issues with overly restrictive or poor spam filtering.

Conferencing Services:

In addition to all the services we already support, we have added support for RingCentral Video. If you are interested in using this service, please contact your CirQlive sales representative.

Supported services now include:

  • Cisco Webex Events

  • Cisco Webex Meetings

  • Cisco Webex Trainings

  • GoTo Meeting

  • GoTo Training

  • GoTo Webinar

  • RingCentral Video

  • Verizon BlueJeans

  • Zoom Meeting

  • Zoom Webinar

CirQlive MEETS now also has the capability to restrict scheduling with a particular conferencing service, while still allowing previously scheduled sessions to occur, and past recordings stored on that service to be viewed. If your MEETS license includes support for multiple conferencing services, but you’d like to restrict scheduling with some of them, as you do not wish to use that service in the future, please contact technical support to make this adjustment.


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