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CirQlive December 2019 Product Update

  • Enhanced Authentication User Interface in the Administrator Panel: You may have noticed the improved Authentication UI in the MEETS Administrator Panel. The recently updated Authentication tab easily allows administrators to setup their organization's SAML and LDAP authentication methods with MEETS. Setting up federated authentication with MEETS enables including secure links in email invites and reminders, allowing users to securely access meetings from their personal inbox and calendars.

  • Re-associate Account option in MEETS: MEETS now allows users to re-associate their web conference account credentials with their user in the LMS. Re-associating an account is needed when changing a user's web conferencing account. Performing this process would previously require CirQlive tech support. This option allows users to easily re-associate their account from within the user's MEETS Account Settings.

  • Improved guest login page: The guest login page has recently been updated, providing an improved experience during the login process. Guests attempting to access web conferencing sessions before the allowed time, will now be presented with a greyed out Join button, indicating it is too early to join. The event guest invite link now offers the option to display event recordings when the session concludes. This enhances the experience for guest users.

  • Cisco Webex and Zoom specific features and fixes:

    • For customers using Webex Events, CirQlive added the capability to mute/unmute attendees upon entry for Webex Events. If your Webex site does not offer you to tailor this option and you are in need for configuring the mute/unmute global setting, please contact CirQlive Client Services for your desired setting.

    • Due to some recent changes with the Zoom Recording API, some recordings did not appear correctly in MEETS. The CirQlive development team has since released a fix, and Zoom recordings now appear as expected in MEETS. Please contact CirQlive Tech Support for any further questions or issues.

  • Moodle specific capabilities: Using LTI Custom Parameters, customers using Moodle can create a direct link to another course's MEETS interface, or even to a specific MEETS tab. This allows administrators to use the same MEETS link across several courses, directing users to the same MEETS events. Further, linking to a specific tab, allows more functionality, such as creating a link to a past course's recordings.


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